Keyboard Support

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Introducing Keyman Developer

Welcome to Keyman Developer

Keyman Developer allows you to create your own keyboard layouts for use with Tavultesoft Keyman. Tavultesoft Keyman Developer allows you to create Unicode and ANSI keyboard layouts for use under Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000 and XP. There are two applications included in Keyman Developer: TIKE, and KMComp.


TIKE (or the Tavultesoft Integrated Keyboard Editor) is a complete environment for designing, developing, testing, and packaging your keyboards for distribution. Some of the major features of TIKE are:

  • Keyboard Wizard, for creating keyboards visually

  • Package Editor, for creating a package of keyboard, fonts and files for distribution

  • Installer Editor, for creating a Keyman runtime that includes your keyboards

  • Integrated Compiler, to compile keyboards and packages

  • Test Window, for testing your keyboards

  • Character Map, which supports viewing Unicode fonts under all Windows versions

  • Visual Keyboard editor, for creating visual representations of keyboards

  • Projects, for managing complex keyboard projects


KMComp, the command-line compiler, is a simple tool that lets you compile keyboards, packages, and installers from the command-line. This is useful if you want to use batch builds or Makefiles.

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