Keyboard Support

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Version 8.0


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Editor Window

The Editor window in TIKE supports standard Windows keystrokes. If the coloured text bothers you, it can be turned off or modified from the default in the Tools|Options dialog.

You can switch between the editor window and the Keyboard Wizard window with tje View|Open in Wizard menu item.

Clicking right mouse button on a BITMAP or store(&bitmap) line will allow you to open the bitmap for editing.

Special Functionality

Aside from standard Windows keys, the following keystrokes are defined for the editor:

Keystroke Action
Ctrl + Shift + number Set a bookmark at the current line
Ctrl + number Move cursor to bookmark position
Alt + selection key/mouse Box selection functionality
Insert Toggle between insert and overwrite mode
Ctrl + Shift + M Toggle message window visibility
Ctrl + Shift + C Open character map
Ctrl + Shift + W Open current keyboard in Keyboard Wizard
Ctrl + F, Ctrl + Shift + F Find text
Ctrl + H, Ctrl + Shift + H Find text