Keyboard Support

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Version 8.0


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keyman_keyboardlist.xsl: Keyman Desktop Configuration window - Keyboards tab

This tab shows the list of installed keyboards for the active product.

XML Parameters

The list of keyboards and packages is returned as XML from Keyman Engine as multiple KeymanKeyboardInstalled and KeymanPackageInstalled elements, described below:
<ImagePath>(temppath to keyboard icons)</ImagePath>

  <name>(Short name of keyboard)</name>
  <keyboardname>(Descriptive name of keyboard)</keyboardname>
  <filename>(Full path and filename of keyboard)</filename>
  [<message>(Keyboard message)</message>]
  [<installedbyadmin />
  [<loaded />]
  [<visualkeyboard />]
  <layoutpositional /> | <layoutmnemonic />
  <ownerproductname>(Name of owning product)</ownerproductname>
  [<bitmap>(filename of bitmap in ImagePath)</bitmap>]
  <description>(Descriptive name of package)</description>
  [<installedbyadmin />]
  <name>(Short name of package)</name>
  <filename>(Full path and filename of package)</filename>
      <name>(short name of keyboard)</name>
      <keyboardname>(descriptive name of keyboard)</keyboardname>
      <filename>(full path and filename of keyboard temp file)</filename>
      [<message>(keyboard message)</message>]
      [<installedbyadmin />
      [<loaded />]
      [<visualkeyboard />]
      <layoutpositional /> | <layoutmnemonic />
      [<bitmap>(filename of bitmap in imagepath)</bitmap>]
      <ownerproductname>(Name of owning product)</ownerproductname>
      <filename>(filename of font)</filename>
      <name>(descriptive name of font)</name>
  <detail name="version">(version number)</detail>
  <detail name="copyright">(copyright)</detail>
  <detail name="author" url="(url of author email)">(author name)</detail>
  <detail name="website" url="(url of website)">(url of website)</detail>


Target Parameters Description
keyman:keyboard_install Opens the Browse for Keyboard dialog, and then the Install Keyboard dialog.
keyman:keyboard_download Opens the Download Keyboard dialog
keyman:keyboard_uninstall index: The index of the keyboard from the parameters Uninstalls the keyboard identified by index
keyman:keyboard_clickcheck index: The index of the keyboard from the parameters Toggle the loaded state of the keyboard identified by index
keyman:keyboard_installvisualkeyboard index: The index of the keyboard from the parameters Opens the Browse for On Screen Keyboard dialog and installs the OSK for the keyboard identified by index
keyman:keyboard_uninstallvisualkeyboard index: The index of the keyboard from the parameters Uninstalls the OSK for the keyboard identified by index
keyman:keyboard_hotkey index: The index of the keyboard from the parameters Opens the hotkey dialog for the keyboard identified by index
keyman:package_uninstall index: The index of the package from the parameters Uninstalls the package identified by index
keyman:package_welcome index: The index of the package from the parameters Opens the package Welcome.htm documentation for the package identified by index