keyman_hotkeys.xsl: Keyman Desktop Configuration window - Hotkeys tab
This tab shows the hotkeys for the active product and installed keyboards on the active product.
XML Parameters
The hotkeys are available in two different locations: KeymanKeyboardInstalled/Hotkey and Hotkeys/Hotkey:
<Hotkey> <index>##</index> [<Target>(integer target of hotkey)</Target>] <Value>(hotkey string, e.g. Ctrl+Alt+X)</Value> </Hotkey>
Target | Parameters | Description |
keyman:hotkey_set | index: Index of the hotkey | Opens the set hotkey dialog identified by index |
keyman:hotkey_clear | index: Index of the hotkey | Clears the hotkey identified by index |
keyman:keyboard_hotkey | index: The index of the keyboard from the parameters | Opens the hotkey dialog for the keyboard identified by index |