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keyman.xsl: Keyman Desktop Configuration Window

This is the XSLT that defines the main Keyman Desktop Configuration window. This is a complex dialog, with many elements, and so it has been split into several separate files:

XML Parameters

The XML parameters available for Keyman Desktop Configuration are listed on the pages above. One general parameter is available:

<state>(state information)</state>

This special parameter should be referenced in the XSLT as follows:

<div id="state"><xsl:value-of select="state"/></div>

This enables the Configuration dialog to retain state as the contents of the div element are saved by Keyman Desktop Configuration when the dialog closes, and passed through to the dialog XSLT in the state parameter. See the existing Keyman Desktop Configuration for example on how this works - this dialog uses the State parameter only to remember that last selected tab.


The targets available for Keyman Desktop Configuration are listed on the pages above. Other general targets are:

Target Parameters Description
keyman:footer_activate Opens the Product Activation dialog
keyman:footer_buy Opens the Product Purchase website
keyman:footer_ok Applies changes and closes Keyman Desktop Configuration
keyman:footer_cancel Cancels changes and closes Keyman Desktop Configuration