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manualactivate.xsl: Manual Activation dialog

The manual activation dialog is opened when the user does not have Internet access, and provides activation options offline.

XML Parameters


Target Parameters Description
keyman:savetoclipboard Copies the activation request blob to the clipboard
keyman:savetodisk Saves the activation request blob and the Tavultesoft Activation Utility to a removable disk
keyman:savetofile Saves the activation request blob to a file
keyman:loadfromclipboard Loads the activation response blob from the clipboard and attempts to activate. If successful, closes the dialog
keyman:loadfromdisk Loads the activation response blob from a removable disk and attempts to activate. If successful, closes the dialog and deletes the activation response blob and Tavultesoft Activation Utility from the removable disk
keyman:loadfromfile Loads the activation response blob from a file and attempts to activate. If successful, closes the dialog
keyman:cancel Cancels the dialog
keyman:help_send Opens the help topic identified by context_manualactivate